Politica estera e dialogo interreligioso all’ISPI

6 marzo 2018

Politica estera e dialogo interreligioso all’ISPI


Riportiamo la newsletter di ISPI (Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale) relativa al simposio tenuto a Bologna il 6-7 marzo 2018 sul ruolo delle guide religiose nella collaborazione internazionale.


Can interreligious dialogue and collaboration be an effective foreign policy tool to approach conflicts, counter violence and promote peace? Should religious actors be welcome at the leading global policy tables? Or is there a risk of instrumentalising religion beyond its legitimate and authentic role?

International experts, policy makers and religious leaders gathered in Bologna on 6 and 7 March to discuss these issues at the International Workshop Interreligious Engagement and Sustainable Peace. The role of interreligious dialogue and collaboration in combatting intolerance and discriminations: mapping international initiatives and best practices”, followed by a Public Roundtable Symposium on Interreligious Dialogue and Foreign Policy: Wishful thinking or visionary realism?”

Both events were organized as part of the “Religions in International Relations” Initiative promoted by ISPI and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, on the occasion of the annual conference of the European Academy of Religion. Participants in both events paid special attention to the current situation in the Middle East and Mediterranean region, as well as in Europe, addressing the multiple dimensions of interreligious relations and their interactions with policy initiatives, peace building and conflict resolution.